Smarten up your website content

Being online is not just about having a website anymore. It is a complete minefield and buzz words are getting thrown about left, right and centre. Confusing people even more about what you should or shouldn’t do.
So what do you do if you own a website? Panic? No need, if you have WordPress website the SEO yoast plugin will get you well on your way with smartening up your website content. Even though this is an SEO plugin, I prefer to think about it as a clean up tool to keep google happy. SEO has become a bit of a buzzword and because of this everyone knows what SEO stands for but not really what it means or how to implement it.
People have become obsessed with their position in google, we have entered this crazy state of being unsatisfied with anything other that the top positions. Google is smarter than us all though and it gives us what it thinks we want. So you may well be number one in google when you search on your iPad or you laptop or mobile device but this does not mean that you hold this position on your friends iPad or desktop or mobile device. There are tools available for you to find out how you are ranking and what keywords you are being found for on other peoples devices, such as Google Webmaster Tools. Easy to use and very insightful.

Google has not only become a house hold verb but it has become an everyday tool. One that most of us use. Gmail, google docs, chrome, google plus, google analytics….. The list goes on. So is it any surprise to learn that your own personal devices are there just for you, website content chosen for you from carefully collected data of past, present and a prediction of future behaviour. You can help google find your site more of a catch by following a few simple tasks.

Website content and the Yoast SEO plugin

I love the Yoast plugin, with Google being so sneaky and predicting our every move! It gives back a little control and a lot of satisfaction. Seeing the red, amber and yellow high lighted for improvement and gradually turning them into little green first place medals makes you feel that you have achieved something worth while.
Improving your site and your website content in this way not only makes it easy to follow but gives you a greater understanding of what Google wants from you. If you play by the rules you will be rewarded.

For more info of this handy tool, click here for more info. Get started today, tidy content tidy website!


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