HR Management for small businesses
HR management is a crucial part of any business. Smaller businesses can struggle even more with this, trying to do everything themselves to keep costs down, getting in a spin with staff issues and contracts. As a small business ourselves we are overloaded with admin based tasks that take up a lot of our time. sometimes you just need a bit of help. We met Julie from Julie Kelly HR through networking and she would be a welcome addition to any team.
We have some clients of which we do work for where we are the silent partner, we do the work that the client doesn’t have the time or skill set to complete themselves. Our client concentrates on the bits they are good at and works with us to produce to web work or development of the business. We work closely with our client to ensure that their clients needs are met. When we work in this way it can get confusing as to who is supposed to be doing what. If we are working directly for our client but we are not in contact with our clients client, then this is a white label way of working. The project is managed by our client and handed to us to complete.
Helping out with contracts
Julie helped us with this by drawing up a white label contract. This helps get everything clear from the start. Working with Julie was effortless, we had a meeting, discussed the requirements, she went away and drew up the contract. It was only a few days later that this was sent over to read through. We met up again and refined the contract tailored more to specific services. Again, this was attended to quickly and sent over not long after.
This type of service is really useful to small business owners, it is efficient and takes away the headache of having to source and sort out your own paper work. As our business grows so does the amount of admin that needs doing. The amount of money that it costs to get a contract drawn up for us was around the £100 pound mark or thereabouts, compare this to the amount of time it would have taken to sort this ourselves without help and the amount of time it will save when working on projects – it is a no brainer.
Knowing the right people helps
HR management sounds a like a big scary thing that you just avoid because you don’t understand it. It is one of those things that is always on the list, to get round to one day. Working with Julie Kelly HR though is not scary or over whelming. We have a lot to get through like most small businesses – outsourcing can feel like a huge risk, you never know who to trust, will they do it right, will they be expensive. I can assure you that all those worries are stamped out when dealing with Julie, it’s good to know the right people to go to and she is one of them.
So – if you need a great website, online business growth or business development, get in touch with us but if like us you don’t have a clue about where to start with HR then please don’t contact us because we don’t have any idea – but Julie does so call her on 01443 805 525 or find out more about all her other HR based services on her website.
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